
Ceramic in FAU


Say Cheese!

This happened the last year in my first school, I was on the 8th grade, the last days and the photo day arrived. My last name didn't help at all, I remember that I was the ninth on the list and I didn´t have too much time to fix me, I was all misaligned and with some friends we were just kidding, we were just behind the photographer making fun of those who were being photographed.  Then one of us went to his photo, and we did the same, the cameraman took the photo while he was laughing and then was my turn to go. I got on a little bank and I looked at my friends and they were making such funny faces and noises, I swear that I couldn't contain my laugh and then I looked to the camera and tried to get serious but the man took such a long time to take the photo and a I give him a little GIANT stupid smile 'til I heard that "click". When the photos were ready, they gave us the official class picture and I looked my face, I said: oooh f**k. I always remember my par

The Black Brightest Day

Four years ago, the day faded to black, and for me it's still being the last time.  It was in Santiago, Estadio Nacional specifically, and was the time for Black Sabbath to make the night. They started in 1968, and very soon the world knew that a new genre was created. Metal. I went there with 2 friends, Cristobal and Sergio (school friends) and it supose that my best friend would be there too, but he never came.  Anyway, there was 2 other bands warming the thing until get dark, so then, in the middle of the night an emblem appeared covered by flames and exploded the scream of the crowd. I was 30 meters away from stage, and the crowd moved one side to the other, violently, I Couldn't breathe, but anyway, I put my arms as sharp as I could and I started to advance between the people when a gap appeared.  Three songs later I was looking Ozzy, Tommy and Gizzer just in front of me. I sang as loud as I could, I couldn't rise my arms (and seriously I was very surprised by that), s

To the Rising Sun

Japan's probably the country that I'd like to visit the most.    My first impression about Japan arose reading manga and watching anime. I like how this people (mangakas specially) make a big effort to portray the beautiful places and the rich and long culture of Japan, as the values as well. You can find this in almost every anime/manga.    Japanese people have a very strong pride about their own culture and traditions, that's the reason why they portray their own cities, streets and common places so specifically and perfectly. Same about food, it's so well drawn, like art, it's almost like you can taste it, and that's probably my strongest reason to travel someday to Japan.    About the other reasons, I have understood that the markets in Japan are huge, real huge, and there exists to many kinds of it. I’d like to go into one and get lost in it, go through to find some weird thing, you know. And one last thing. Japan is the capital of drifting. Interes